Routines, Schedules and 6:00am Lattes

When my kids were growing up we had a cocoo clock and I thought of it this morning when I went to get my latte. A customer in the coffee shop (whom I have know for many years) asked what I was doing there so early since I was now RETIRED and I replied pointing to my head, “The clock in here says it’s 6:00am and time to get up!” The routines that paced my life for so many years have changed. My days are my own, for the most part and my latte is the way I have started my day for many, many years!  But life does hold surprises. Did I ever think that glitches along the way would need me to make a detour from my travel dreams. For now my husband’s health issues have put our trips on hold. Our routine is so different from anything I could have imagined. I am so lucky to have a wonderful, kind, knowledgeable caregiver help Bernie as he works to gain back his strength. Thanks to him I have the flexibility to maintain as “normal” a life as possible. As questions and congratulations enter my emails, Twitter feed and Facebook stream I reflect on what is and not what might have been. That is just too painful. So I am grateful that the Pollyanna in me is still strong and I look at each day with wonder and a smile on my face.

And the teacher still lives in me as I think of routines that guide our lives. The routine of the school child, the parent, the teacher, the administrators and all those in the work force. And the routines that we make for ourselves, that work for us. I have read many stories of authors who set scheduled routines for their writing, even sitting and staring at a blank paper; but that was their routine. I am not naive nor a fool and I know for many routines and schedules (or lack of) have been thrust upon them due to life’s circumstances.  I continue to think of the gifts we give our students when we establish schedules and routines (albeit not written in stone) that free them to wonder, explore and learn. I have seen through the years how when the worry of “what’s next” becomes, “now it’s time for” and the kinders take charge. 

I write this post as a cathartic reflection to understand my schedule, my routine, my life’s circumstances and how they all fit together. My learning continues as I participate in chats, and conferences through Twitter.  I read blogs and follow online news.  And the fun is never far behind. It’s summer and my grandkids are visiting, what more do I need to say!

Curious how your summer routine impacts your everyday life. Does it take awhile to adjust? Are you ready for a change?

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